The Azalea Works

Welcome to the World Wide Web Home Page of The Azalea Works. The Azalea Works is an educational and research activity that was created in 1989 by William C. Miller III (Popup photo/Netscape users) --> for the purposes of consulting and lecturing, plant research, the development of improved azalea cultivars, and the production and sale of educational materials (pamphlets and books) on azaleas, rhododendron, and related companion plants. William Clarke Miller III

Like all living things, this Web page will be growing and changing to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. The plan is for the casual browser to find pretty pictures and useful information about matters pertaining to azaleas. Finally, the chief justification for this Web page is to advertise the availability of books published by The Azalea Works. There are currently two books available with several more "in the works."

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Table of Contents:

Little Red SphereThe Bell Book
a companion to Agriculture Monograph 20, The Glenn Dale Azaleas by B. Y. Morrison and must for anyone who is serious about the Glenn Dale hybrid azaleas. Published in 1994, it is the only key to the Bell Numbers under which many of the Glenn Dale hybrids were formally distributed and the only available means for identifying sister-seedling relationships from among the 454 cultivars. Click here for information on the terms and availability of The Bell Book.

Little Red SphereThe Glenn Dale Azaleas Revised
a revision of the long out-of-print Monograph 20, the historical account of the development of the Glenn Dale hybrid azaleas. The revision, published in 1996, incorporates what has been learned over some ten years of research and study. Click here for information on the terms and availability of The Glenn Dale Azaleas Revised.

Little Red SphereUseful Information and Resources
selected links and references to resources that would be of interest to azaleaphiles.

Rhododendron 'Ben Morrison', an evergreen azalea.
Azalea Cultivar 'Ben Morrison' It was selected by Dr. John Creech to honor Benjamin Yoe Morrison in conjunction with the initiation of the USDA's B. Y. Morrison Lecture Series. It was introduced by Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman at the June 26, 1968 meeting of the American Institute of Architects in Portland, Oregon. While not one of the 454 Glenn Dale hybrids, it is probably derived from that effort. Blooming mid to late May with its striking irregular white margin and columnar plant habit, it has proven to be extremely popular.

Little Red SphereUseful Information:

Little Green SphereEXTOXNET
A cooperative effort of the University of California (Davis), Oregon State, Michigan State, and Cornell, the EXTension TOXicology NETwork provides information on pesticide and toxicological issues.

Little Green SphereSwitchboard
an incredibly simple but useful tool for finding people, their addresses and their phone numbers.

Little Green SphereUnited States Postal Service ZIP+4 Code Lookup
Just what you need when you have the address but you do not have the zip code.

Little Green SphereMapquest
A neat little resource for generating a map for a given destination.

Little Green SphereWhowhere
This little utility searches for E-mail addresses for individuals.

Little Green SphereThe United States National Arboretum
Check in with the USNA and see what is happening.

George Harding's 'Oh My' George Harding's 'Oh My'
The evergreen azalea 'Oh My' was one of five unnamed Satsuki hybrids that was introduced from Japan in 1929 by R. Kent Beattie, a senior pathologist in the Bureau of Plant Industry of the US Department of Agriculture who is better known for his efforts with the Kurume hybrids. Named by George Harding in the 1970's, George confessed that every time a woman saw it...that was what she said.

Little Green SphereThe Azalea Works Images
Images from The Azalea Works

Little Green SphereThe Azalea Society
The Official Web Site of The Azalea Society of America.

Little Green SphereA Web site for Length Conversions
A handy tool when you need to convert from one measurement to another.

Little Green SphereThe Universal Currency Converter
If you have a "yen" to know what your "dollar" is worth, "mark" this URL for a "franc" estimate.

Web Site Statistics:
Web Site Established: May 25, 1997
10,000th Visitor Recorded: September 21, 1999
20,000th Visitor Recorded: May 15, 2000
35,000th Visitor Recorded: July 18, 2001
50,000th Visitor Recorded: April 13, 2003
75,000th Visitor Recorded: January 18, 2005
100,000th Visitor Recorded: October 13, 2005
150,000th Visitor Recorded: April 15, 2011
200,000th Visitor Recorded: December 13, 2012
Last modified: January 11, 2021

These pages were tested using SeaMonkey Ver.

William C. Miller III
The Azalea Works
7613 Quintana Court
Bethesda MD 20817-2042

(301) 365-0692 (answering machine picks
up after fourth ring)

'Lady Cavendish'


'Lady Cavendish' is a very beautiful evergreen azalea that belongs to the Southern Indian hybrid group. The exquiste flower combined with its "wider than tall" plant habit makes it an excellent specimen for the garden. Perfectly hardy in zone 7, it is worth a try anywhere.

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Copyright 1989-2025 William C. Miller III. All Rights Reserved